If you have ever needed help getting an accurate assessment of how your management system is working, it’s best to start with evidence. Internal audit programs can be limited by various factors that reduce objectivity and independence.
To ensure your organisation is able to maintain the standard and achieve the desired outcomes it is important to rely upon an objective, independent method to identify weaknesses and gaps in your management system.
ISO 19001:2018 Guidelines for auditing management systems is the international guideline which outlines how a professional, independent audit should be conducted. Auditors who subscribe to the principles of auditing outlined in this guideline produce a more professional assessment than those who do not.
Whether it is ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 or another international or national standard, using an auditor who has been certified and promotes these principles is preferable to an auditor who does not.
What are the audit principles?
The seven principles of auditing as outlined by ISO 19001 :2018 are detailed in clause 4 and are illustrated below.
“The more the principles are applied, the more likely the audit is objective, reliable, and reflects reality.“
– Micheal Martin FAICD
Why are the audit principles so important?
The seven audit principles improve the likelihood of an honest and genuine assessment of how things are going.
The auditor is guided by the principles to ensure audit results reflect what is really going on based on evidence and a proven method of working. Auditors who apply these principles are more likely to have perspective, can demonstrate examples which support their findings, and add value by looking behind the obvious to the root cause of a weakness or gap.
Where do I find a certified auditor?
In our region, one organisation which offers a ready list of certified Auditors is Exemplar Global.
Exemplar Global has a register of accredited auditors which is available by location and the standards they are certified to audit. You can shortlist accredited auditors to meet your needs safe in the knowledge that they are all accredited and have completed training which is consistent with ISO 19001:2018 Guidelines for auditing management systems.
How do I become a certified auditor?
In our region, one organisation which offers certification is Exemplar Global. Once accredited you will receive a record of certification and have the ability to display personal credentials such as those below.
Before you contact Exemplar to apply for certification, there are two important steps you must take:
- Participate in training. You will need to complete the necessary training as an auditor, and the associated standards you hope to audit. There are various providers in the market, but my tip is start with the Auditor Training Academy, at Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), as their reputation and experience is hard to beat.
- Establish an Audit Logbook. If you are already auditing, it is best to establish a list of the audits you have completed so you can demonstrate that you have the on-job-experience to do the job. We have an example available for you to download on our downloads page here.
If you are looking for an objective, independent, set of new eyes, then an accredited management system auditor is the way to go. Don’t risk your people, your product or your community, call Proven Safety today!
If you have any specific aspects, you’d like more information on or if you have further questions, reach out by clicking here!